12 October 2023 Jackpot Result Today Winner List Out Now

Today Jackpot Results 12 October 2023 (Live) Result

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Draw Number: 285- Draw Date: [date_month_year]
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM
Jackpot11:30 AM
Lucky12:30 PM
Queen01:30 PM
King03:30 PM
Star05:30 PM
Jackpot06:30 PM
Loto07:30 PM
Jackpot Result -Kerala Lottery Old Chart
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 07-04-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM00202
Jackpot11:30 AM78282
Lucky12:30 PM15353
Queen01:30 PM54141
King03:30 PM20404
Star05:30 PM20909
Jackpot06:30 PM64444
Loto07:30 PM98282
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 06-04-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM34040
Jackpot11:30 AM14646
Lucky12:30 PM01212
Queen01:30 PM50606
King03:30 PM93838
Star05:30 PM66969
Jackpot06:30 PM48080
Loto07:30 PM49393
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 05-04-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM79797
Jackpot11:30 AM01616
Lucky12:30 PM39696
Queen01:30 PM49494
King03:30 PM10000
Star05:30 PM00808
Jackpot06:30 PM34646
Loto07:30 PM65353
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 04-04-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM87272
Jackpot11:30 AM55353
Lucky12:30 PM47979
Queen01:30 PM76565
King03:30 PM09393
Star05:30 PM29090
Jackpot06:30 PM73838
Loto07:30 PM08181
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 03-04-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM44848
Jackpot11:30 AM20707
Lucky12:30 PM85050
Queen01:30 PM06969
King03:30 PM27575
Star05:30 PM23030
Jackpot06:30 PM76363
Loto07:30 PM05757
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 02-04-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM36767
Jackpot11:30 AM11818
Lucky12:30 PM40303
Queen01:30 PM41111
King03:30 PM04444
Star05:30 PM66161
Jackpot06:30 PM00202
Loto07:30 PM17171
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 29-03-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM32525
Jackpot11:30 AM21414
Lucky12:30 PM86464
Queen01:30 PM62828
King03:30 PM53939
Star05:30 PM66060
Jackpot06:30 PM03333
Loto07:30 PM64646
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 21-03-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM12525
Jackpot11:30 AM16464
Lucky12:30 PM23030
Queen01:30 PM85656
King03:30 PM47777
Star05:30 PM73232
Jackpot06:30 PM11111
Loto07:30 PM35252
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 20-03-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM99797
Jackpot11:30 AM47171
Lucky12:30 PM39494
Queen01:30 PM64949
King03:30 PM79292
Star05:30 PM54242
Jackpot06:30 PM52020
Loto07:30 PM48484
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 19-03-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM81818
Jackpot11:30 AM21616
Lucky12:30 PM23737
Queen01:30 PM99494
King03:30 PM12121
Star05:30 PM28787
Jackpot06:30 PM01717
Loto07:30 PM18585
Kerala State Lottery Result Today Live
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 18-03-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM05959
Jackpot11:30 AM39494
Lucky12:30 PM05757
Queen01:30 PM51616
King03:30 PM78686
Star05:30 PM81919
Jackpot06:30 PM56262
Loto07:30 PM33131
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 17-03-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM19494
Jackpot11:30 AM87979
Lucky12:30 PM46060
Queen01:30 PM10202
King03:30 PM76767
Star05:30 PM26161
Jackpot06:30 PM48686
Loto07:30 PM83838
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 16-03-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM00808
Jackpot11:30 AM46464
Lucky12:30 PM08585
Queen01:30 PM96565
King03:30 PM90909
Star05:30 PM08383
Jackpot06:30 PM12121
Loto07:30 PM96262
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 15-03-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM48282
Jackpot11:30 AM86767
Lucky12:30 PM47272
Queen01:30 PM60101
King03:30 PM47373
Star05:30 PM55252
Jackpot06:30 PM19494
Loto07:30 PM58181
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 14-03-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM54747
Jackpot11:30 AM79999
Lucky12:30 PM98686
Queen01:30 PM08181
King03:30 PM20404
Star05:30 PM97171
Jackpot06:30 PM11919
Loto07:30 PM00707
Draw Number: 254- Draw Date: 13-03-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM59090
Jackpot11:30 AM11111
Lucky12:30 PM67575
Queen01:30 PM51818
King03:30 PM42626
Star05:30 PM09898-
Jackpot06:30 PM25555
Loto07:30 PM62424
Draw Number: 253- Draw Date: 12-03-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM07474
Jackpot11:30 AM50303
Lucky12:30 PM73131
Queen01:30 PM98989
King03:30 PM13232
Star05:30 PM89494
Jackpot06:30 PM96262
Loto07:30 PM89898
Draw Number: 253- Draw Date: 11-03-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM79191
Jackpot11:30 AM66969
Lucky12:30 PM61414
Queen01:30 PM79393
King03:30 PM92828
Star05:30 PM68686
Jackpot06:30 PM17575
Loto07:30 PM14040
Draw Number: 253- Draw Date: 10-03-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM12222
Jackpot11:30 AM67171
Lucky12:30 PM47474
Queen01:30 PM38282
King03:30 PM87373
Star05:30 PM74444
Jackpot06:30 PM80909
Loto07:30 PM14848
Draw Number: 253- Draw Date: 09-03-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM07878
Jackpot11:30 AM07272
Lucky12:30 PM32828
Queen01:30 PM89494
King03:30 PM99696
Star05:30 PM81616
Jackpot06:30 PM78888
Loto07:30 PM10000
Draw Number: 253- Draw Date: 08-03-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72121
Jackpot11:30 AM04444
Lucky12:30 PM91111
Queen01:30 PM97575
King03:30 PM46767
Star05:30 PM00909
Jackpot06:30 PM59696
Loto07:30 PM03434
Draw Number: 253- Draw Date: 07-03-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM95959
Jackpot11:30 AM08282
Lucky12:30 PM91515
Queen01:30 PM22727
King03:30 PM20909
Star05:30 PM17272
Jackpot06:30 PM53939
Loto07:30 PM32222
Draw Number: 253- Draw Date: 06-03-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM28989
Jackpot11:30 AM99797
Lucky12:30 PM65858
Queen01:30 PM69393
King03:30 PM06060
Star05:30 PM87474
Jackpot06:30 PM00808
Loto07:30 PM53838
Draw Number: 252- Draw Date: 05-03-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM00808
Jackpot11:30 AM71515
Lucky12:30 PM31010
Queen01:30 PM33232
King03:30 PM77777
Star05:30 PM20909
Jackpot06:30 PM29292
Loto07:30 PM42727
Draw Number: 252- Draw Date: 04-03-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM75050
Jackpot11:30 AM44343
Lucky12:30 PM98383
Queen01:30 PM58585
King03:30 PM84242
Star05:30 PM18282
Jackpot06:30 PM61515
Loto07:30 PM89797
Draw Number: 252- Draw Date: 03-03-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM84747
Jackpot11:30 AM50404
Lucky12:30 PM86060
Queen01:30 PM63131
King03:30 PM41010
Star05:30 PM91515
Jackpot06:30 PM50909
Loto07:30 PM87979
Draw Number: 252- Draw Date: 02-03-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM20505
Jackpot11:30 AM58181
Lucky12:30 PM44141
Queen01:30 PM08383
King03:30 PM80606
Star05:30 PM06565
Jackpot06:30 PM62626
Loto07:30 PM15050
Draw Number: 252- Draw Date: 01-03-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM58383
Jackpot11:30 AM80202
Lucky12:30 PM33636
Queen01:30 PM64444
King03:30 PM65050
Star05:30 PM40202
Jackpot06:30 PM23030
Loto07:30 PM23939
Draw Number: 252- Draw Date: 28-02-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM43232
Jackpot11:30 AM97676
Lucky12:30 PM46868
Queen01:30 PM81616
King03:30 PM21515
Star05:30 PM18383
Jackpot06:30 PM23232
Loto07:30 PM68080
Draw Number: 252- Draw Date: 27-02-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM50404
Jackpot11:30 AM25353
Lucky12:30 PM21313
Queen01:30 PM89191
King03:30 PM95959
Star05:30 PM83737
Jackpot06:30 PM91010
Loto07:30 PM50606
Draw Number: 251- Draw Date: 26-02-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM75353
Jackpot11:30 AM12727
Lucky12:30 PM19494
Queen01:30 PM94242
King03:30 PM78686
Star05:30 PM36060
Jackpot06:30 PM50707
Loto07:30 PM92828
Draw Number: 251- Draw Date: 25-02-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM14242
Jackpot11:30 AM82828
Lucky12:30 PM73232
Queen01:30 PM33131
King03:30 PM22525
Star05:30 PM98787
Jackpot06:30 PM33333
Loto07:30 PM29494
Draw Number: 251- Draw Date: 24-02-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72929
Jackpot11:30 AM13737
Lucky12:30 PM39999
Queen01:30 PM62525
King03:30 PM78383
Star05:30 PM13333
Jackpot06:30 PM09292
Loto07:30 PM59696
Draw Number: 251- Draw Date: 23-02-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM71414
Jackpot11:30 AM20000
Lucky12:30 PM53030
Queen01:30 PM34343
King03:30 PM19191
Star05:30 PM08080
Jackpot06:30 PM61212
Loto07:30 PM42424
Draw Number: 251- Draw Date: 22-02-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM12323
Jackpot11:30 AM89292
Lucky12:30 PM79090
Queen01:30 PM78585
King03:30 PM43939
Star05:30 PM11414
Jackpot06:30 PM41818
Loto07:30 PM28080
Draw Number: 251- Draw Date: 21-02-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM84848
Jackpot11:30 AM90808
Lucky12:30 PM43333
Queen01:30 PM82626
King03:30 PM94242
Star05:30 PM49292
Jackpot06:30 PM83131
Loto07:30 PM54444
Draw Number: 251- Draw Date: 20-02-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM65050
Jackpot11:30 AM93737
Lucky12:30 PM07575
Queen01:30 PM44040
King03:30 PM32121
Star05:30 PM02626
Jackpot06:30 PM64444
Loto07:30 PM10101
Draw Number: 250- Draw Date: 19-02-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM43737
Jackpot11:30 AM80202
Lucky12:30 PM19999
Queen01:30 PM69494
King03:30 PM83434
Star05:30 PM65959
Jackpot06:30 PM40808
Loto07:30 PM08585
Draw Number: 250- Draw Date: 18-02-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM94040
Jackpot11:30 AM16464
Lucky12:30 PM89393
Queen01:30 PM26767
King03:30 PM62929
Star05:30 PM39494
Jackpot06:30 PM89292
Loto07:30 PM23333
Draw Number: 250- Draw Date: 17-02-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM19393
Jackpot11:30 AM36262
Lucky12:30 PM11010
Queen01:30 PM23636
King03:30 PM55050
Star05:30 PM85353
Jackpot06:30 PM83434
Loto07:30 PM11414
Draw Number: 250- Draw Date: 16-02-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM83232
Jackpot11:30 AM02020
Lucky12:30 PM63838
Queen01:30 PM11313
King03:30 PM59191
Star05:30 PM48080
Jackpot06:30 PM25555
Loto07:30 PM31818
Draw Number: 250- Draw Date: 15-02-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM41919
Jackpot11:30 AM11313
Lucky12:30 PM40808
Queen01:30 PM15858
King03:30 PM34545
Star05:30 PM90404
Jackpot06:30 PM91919
Loto07:30 PM66161
Draw Number: 250- Draw Date: 14-02-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM13333
Jackpot11:30 AM73535
Lucky12:30 PM14747
Queen01:30 PM32424
King03:30 PM69999
Star05:30 PM42828
Jackpot06:30 PM37878
Loto07:30 PM99797
Draw Number: 250- Draw Date: 13-02-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM94545
Jackpot11:30 AM21717
Lucky12:30 PM90202
Queen01:30 PM62626
King03:30 PM03131
Star05:30 PM83737
Jackpot06:30 PM00101
Loto07:30 PM17878
Draw Number: 249- Draw Date: 12-02-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM64141
Jackpot11:30 AM76363
Lucky12:30 PM44343
Queen01:30 PM58282
King03:30 PM93232
Star05:30 PM66666
Jackpot06:30 PM95858
Loto07:30 PM46868
Draw Number: 249- Draw Date: 11-02-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM90707
Jackpot11:30 AM44242
Lucky12:30 PM00303
Queen01:30 PM79797
King03:30 PM02121
Star05:30 PM12525
Jackpot06:30 PM50606
Loto07:30 PM94545
Draw Number: 249- Draw Date: 10-02-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72424
Jackpot11:30 AM20707
Lucky12:30 PM02626
Queen01:30 PM53232
King03:30 PM70505
Star05:30 PM76464
Jackpot06:30 PM23333
Loto07:30 PM93434
Draw Number: 249- Draw Date: 09-02-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM92121
Jackpot11:30 AM96666
Lucky12:30 PM50707
Queen01:30 PM67373
King03:30 PM13434
Star05:30 PM60505
Jackpot06:30 PM07575
Loto07:30 PM66666
Draw Number: 249- Draw Date: 08-02-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM59393
Jackpot11:30 AM63434
Lucky12:30 PM99494
Queen01:30 PM71313
King03:30 PM76969
Star05:30 PM43838
Jackpot06:30 PM23131
Loto07:30 PM31616
Draw Number: 249- Draw Date: 07-02-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM34040
Jackpot11:30 AM42121
Lucky12:30 PM91212
Queen01:30 PM19696
King03:30 PM46262
Star05:30 PM97676
Jackpot06:30 PM79191
Loto07:30 PM47070
Draw Number: 249- Draw Date: 06-02-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM49797
Jackpot11:30 AM15050
Lucky12:30 PM59999
Queen01:30 PM72828
King03:30 PM34545
Star05:30 PM77171
Jackpot06:30 PM32020
Loto07:30 PM04646
Draw Number: 248- Draw Date: 05-02-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM35959
Jackpot11:30 AM42525
Lucky12:30 PM71010
Queen01:30 PM98787
King03:30 PM63131
Star05:30 PM63333
Jackpot06:30 PM31616
Loto07:30 PM38181
Draw Number: 248- Draw Date: 04-02-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM55454
Jackpot11:30 AM82424
Lucky12:30 PM98585
Queen01:30 PM21717
King03:30 PM84040
Star05:30 PM39797
Jackpot06:30 PM15656
Loto07:30 PM62828
Draw Number: 248- Draw Date: 03-02-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72525
Jackpot11:30 AM21616
Lucky12:30 PM71717
Queen01:30 PM15555
King03:30 PM28383
Star05:30 PM82828
Jackpot06:30 PM68888
Loto07:30 PM57070
Draw Number: 248- Draw Date: 02-02-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM33737
Jackpot11:30 AM14545
Lucky12:30 PM04848
Queen01:30 PM96868
King03:30 PM49090
Star05:30 PM63535
Jackpot06:30 PM22020
Loto07:30 PM36262
Draw Number: 248- Draw Date: 01-02-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM53131
Jackpot11:30 AM75050
Lucky12:30 PM76868
Queen01:30 PM06060
King03:30 PM23232
Star05:30 PM95656
Jackpot06:30 PM72929
Loto07:30 PM64646
Draw Number: 248- Draw Date: 31-01-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM32929
Jackpot11:30 AM60000
Lucky12:30 PM03434
Queen01:30 PM82626
King03:30 PM95555
Star05:30 PM22020
Jackpot06:30 PM15959
Loto07:30 PM27575
Draw Number: 248– Draw Date: 30-01-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM19898
Jackpot11:30 AM11414
Lucky12:30 PM28383
Queen01:30 PM39898
King03:30 PM08282
Star05:30 PM30000
Jackpot06:30 PM65151
Loto07:30 PM35454
Draw Number: 247- Draw Date: 29-01-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM31414
Jackpot11:30 AM01616
Lucky12:30 PM30505
Queen01:30 PM09191
King03:30 PM62626
Star05:30 PM99595
Jackpot06:30 PM63333
Loto07:30 PM00202
Draw Number: 247- Draw Date: 28-01-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM66969
Jackpot11:30 AM52020
Lucky12:30 PM91616
Queen01:30 PM16262
King03:30 PM91717
Star05:30 PM25151
Jackpot06:30 PM43232
Loto07:30 PM72525
Draw Number: 247- Draw Date: 27-01-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM51616
Jackpot11:30 AM23535
Lucky12:30 PM88787
Queen01:30 PM97777
King03:30 PM63232
Star05:30 PM98383
Jackpot06:30 PM13939
Loto07:30 PM18282
Draw Number: 247- Draw Date: 25-01-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM66767
Jackpot11:30 AM28686
Lucky12:30 PM99191
Queen01:30 PM26262
King03:30 PM09696
Star05:30 PM86565
Jackpot06:30 PM40202
Loto07:30 PM00505
Draw Number: 247- Draw Date: 24-01-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM37575
Jackpot11:30 AM30202
Lucky12:30 PM16565
Queen01:30 PM45151
King03:30 PM73131
Star05:30 PM00606
Jackpot06:30 PM66666
Loto07:30 PM80909
Draw Number: 247- Draw Date: 23-01-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM93434
Jackpot11:30 AM70707
Lucky12:30 PM30101
Queen01:30 PM12828
King03:30 PM89393
Star05:30 PM08888
Jackpot06:30 PM06969
Loto07:30 PM32424
Draw Number: 246- Draw Date: 22-01-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM41010
Jackpot11:30 AM84444
Lucky12:30 PM29090
Queen01:30 PM83434
King03:30 PM92121
Star05:30 PM79797
Jackpot06:30 PM35555
Loto07:30 PM27373
Draw Number: 246- Draw Date: 21-01-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM76767
Jackpot11:30 AM38585
Lucky12:30 PM96363
Queen01:30 PM53636
King03:30 PM79898
Star05:30 PM50505
Jackpot06:30 PM86060
Loto07:30 PM63939
Draw Number: 246- Draw Date: 20-01-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM91616
Jackpot11:30 AM82929
Lucky12:30 PM17878
Queen01:30 PM40808
King03:30 PM15454
Star05:30 PM92525
Jackpot06:30 PM90404
Loto07:30 PM89797
Draw Number: 246- Draw Date: 19-01-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM37171
Jackpot11:30 AM54545
Lucky12:30 PM13636
Queen01:30 PM57070
King03:30 PM99696
Star05:30 PM37272
Jackpot06:30 PM02525
Loto07:30 PM50303
Draw Number: 246- Draw Date: 18-01-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM50303
Jackpot11:30 AM79090
Lucky12:30 PM75555
Queen01:30 PM08181
King03:30 PM93535
Star05:30 PM99090
Jackpot06:30 PM53232
Loto07:30 PM88484
Draw Number: 246- Draw Date: 17-01-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM56060
Jackpot11:30 AM61313
Lucky12:30 PM35252
Queen01:30 PM37777
King03:30 PM71515
Star05:30 PM12323
Jackpot06:30 PM34343
Loto07:30 PM69191
Draw Number: 246- Draw Date: 16-01-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM19191
Jackpot11:30 AM53737
Lucky12:30 PM85656
Queen01:30 PM58888
King03:30 PM15050
Star05:30 PM26262
Jackpot06:30 PM16464
Loto07:30 PM86969
Draw Number: 245- Draw Date: 15-01-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM80606
Jackpot11:30 AM65959
Lucky12:30 PM19797
Queen01:30 PM02323
King03:30 PM62121
Star05:30 PM87070
Jackpot06:30 PM23838
Loto07:30 PM02222
Draw Number: 245- Draw Date: 14-01-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM10909
Jackpot11:30 AM38787
Lucky12:30 PM12929
Queen01:30 PM83030
King03:30 PM08686
Star05:30 PM60303
Jackpot06:30 PM30606
Loto07:30 PM04141
Draw Number: 245- Draw Date: 13-01-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM55858
Jackpot11:30 AM38080
Lucky12:30 PM09191
Queen01:30 PM98383
King03:30 PM00101
Star05:30 PM19494
Jackpot06:30 PM22424
Loto07:30 PM40202
Draw Number: 245- Draw Date: 12-01-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM90404
Jackpot11:30 AM13131
Lucky12:30 PM33333
Queen01:30 PM61111
King03:30 PM32525
Star05:30 PM20909
Jackpot06:30 PM44848
Loto07:30 PM68989
Draw Number: 245- Draw Date: 11-01-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM63030
Jackpot11:30 AM95555
Lucky12:30 PM95858
Queen01:30 PM84040
King03:30 PM20606
Star05:30 PM37373
Jackpot06:30 PM11919
Loto07:30 PM11515
Draw Number: 245- Draw Date: 10-01-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM56464
Jackpot11:30 AM91313
Lucky12:30 PM49292
Queen01:30 PM50404
King03:30 PM74949
Star05:30 PM34444
Jackpot06:30 PM91919
Loto07:30 PM68282
Draw Number: 245- Draw Date: 09-01-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM98686
Jackpot11:30 AM72828
Lucky12:30 PM35050
Queen01:30 PM33434
King03:30 PM12727
Star05:30 PM26161
Jackpot06:30 PM52828
Loto07:30 PM84343
Draw Number: 244- Draw Date: 08-01-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM83333
Jackpot11:30 AM96262
Lucky12:30 PM92020
Queen01:30 PM47878
King03:30 PM14040
Star05:30 PM77979
Jackpot06:30 PM11111
Loto07:30 PM47272
Draw Number: 244- Draw Date: 07-01-2023 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM40101
Jackpot11:30 AM11818
Lucky12:30 PM24545
Queen01:30 PM43737
King03:30 PM22222
Star05:30 PM99797
Jackpot06:30 PM71414
Loto07:30 PM54141
Draw Number: 244- Draw Date: 06-01-2023 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM98484
Jackpot11:30 AM55555
Lucky12:30 PM11414
Queen01:30 PM56565
King03:30 PM81313
Star05:30 PM94141
Jackpot06:30 PM44747
Loto07:30 PM33232
Draw Number: 244- Draw Date: 05-01-2023 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM50303
Jackpot11:30 AM25252
Lucky12:30 PM37272
Queen01:30 PM65858
King03:30 PM52424
Star05:30 PM35353
Jackpot06:30 PM12828
Loto07:30 PM52727
Draw Number: 244- Draw Date: 05-01-2023 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM88181
Jackpot11:30 AM62020
Lucky12:30 PM23131
Queen01:30 PM71717
King03:30 PM80505
Star05:30 PM19999
Jackpot06:30 PM99797
Loto07:30 PM06565
Draw Number: 244- Draw Date: 03-01-2023 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM95050
Jackpot11:30 AM08383
Lucky12:30 PM38787
Queen01:30 PM63030
King03:30 PM25959
Star05:30 PM29191
Jackpot06:30 PM953*
Loto07:30 PM70404
Draw Number: 244- Draw Date: 02-01-2023 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM53838
Jackpot11:30 AM97676
Lucky12:30 PM93535
Queen01:30 PM35656
King03:30 PM12121
Star05:30 PM78888
Jackpot06:30 PM82525
Loto07:30 PM17878
Draw Number: 243- Draw Date: 01-01-2023 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM77777
Jackpot11:30 AM30808
Lucky12:30 PM14848
Queen01:30 PM88484
King03:30 PM95555
Star05:30 PM13939
Jackpot06:30 PM53737
Loto07:30 PM55656
Draw Number: 243- Draw Date: 31-12-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM06464
Jackpot11:30 AM84242
Lucky12:30 PM87777
Queen01:30 PM51818
King03:30 PM41616
Star05:30 PM15050
Jackpot06:30 PM45656
Loto07:30 PM06060
Draw Number: 243- Draw Date: 30-12-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM69797
Jackpot11:30 AM09999
Lucky12:30 PM37474
Queen01:30 PM46161
King03:30 PM45353
Star05:30 PM53636
Jackpot06:30 PM70202
Loto07:30 PM13838
Draw Number: 243- Draw Date: 29-12-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72121
Jackpot11:30 AM63838
Lucky12:30 PM63232
Queen01:30 PM09696
King03:30 PM84747
Star05:30 PM79494
Jackpot06:30 PM87777
Loto07:30 PM84141
Draw Number: 243- Draw Date: 28-12-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM26666
Jackpot11:30 AM31212
Lucky12:30 PM76060
Queen01:30 PM01818
King03:30 PM39595
Star05:30 PM00505
Jackpot06:30 PM44343
Loto07:30 PM06161
Draw Number: 243- Draw Date: 27-12-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM38787
Jackpot11:30 AM49494
Lucky12:30 PM10404
Queen01:30 PM36262
King03:30 PM76363
Star05:30 PM62626
Jackpot06:30 PM26868
Loto07:30 PM58080
Draw Number: 243- Draw Date: 26-12-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM22020
Jackpot11:30 AM83333
Lucky12:30 PM49696
Queen01:30 PM74343
King03:30 PM89797
Star05:30 PM21919
Jackpot06:30 PM72929
Loto07:30 PM46868
Draw Number: 242- Draw Date: 25-12-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM04444
Jackpot11:30 AM46060
Lucky12:30 PM23030
Queen01:30 PM76161
King03:30 PM44949
Star05:30 PM76363
Jackpot06:30 PM81414
Loto07:30 PM35454
Draw Number: 242- Draw Date: 24-12-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM40606
Jackpot11:30 AM60202
Lucky12:30 PM72929
Queen01:30 PM22323
King03:30 PM31111
Star05:30 PM45353
Jackpot06:30 PM73131
Loto07:30 PM81919
Draw Number: 242- Draw Date: 23-12-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM36363
Jackpot11:30 AM23737
Lucky12:30 PM95757
Queen01:30 PM43131
King03:30 PM61515
Star05:30 PM41717
Jackpot06:30 PM49393
Loto07:30 PM23535
Draw Number: 242- Draw Date: 22-12-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM75151
Jackpot11:30 AM04040
Lucky12:30 PM02626
Queen01:30 PM77979
King03:30 PM26161
Star05:30 PM52424
Jackpot06:30 PM27474
Loto07:30 PM35757
Draw Number: 242- Draw Date: 21-12-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM58080
Jackpot11:30 AM06666
Lucky12:30 PM96565
Queen01:30 PM48888
King03:30 PM86767
Star05:30 PM65656
Jackpot06:30 PM29797
Loto07:30 PM65050
Draw Number: 242- Draw Date: 20-12-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM71616
Jackpot11:30 AM84545
Lucky12:30 PM73333
Queen01:30 PM87474
King03:30 PM94040
Star05:30 PM91616
Jackpot06:30 PM68585
Loto07:30 PM29090
Draw Number: 242- Draw Date: 19-12-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM56868
Jackpot11:30 AM35757
Lucky12:30 PM00202
Queen01:30 PM42323
King03:30 PM29292
Star05:30 PM00000
Jackpot06:30 PM85959
Loto07:30 PM385*85
Draw Number: 241- Draw Date: 18-12-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72727
Jackpot11:30 AM14242
Lucky12:30 PM37878
Queen01:30 PM39999
King03:30 PM02626
Star05:30 PM20909
Jackpot06:30 PM72323
Loto07:30 PM06060
Draw Number: 241- Draw Date: 17-12-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM21919
Jackpot11:30 AM50404
Lucky12:30 PM50707
Queen01:30 PM04747
King03:30 PM61919
Star05:30 PM76666
Jackpot06:30 PM86161
Loto07:30 PM08989
Draw Number: 241- Draw Date: 16-12-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM80101
Jackpot11:30 AM35252
Lucky12:30 PM91414
Queen01:30 PM12222
King03:30 PM35050
Star05:30 PM84444
Jackpot06:30 PM46363
Loto07:30 PM69191
Draw Number: 241- Draw Date: 15-12-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM23636
Jackpot11:30 AM92121
Lucky12:30 PM83535
Queen01:30 PM52929
King03:30 PM48484
Star05:30 PM24141
Jackpot06:30 PM18282
Loto07:30 PM83838
Draw Number: 241- Draw Date: 14-12-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM80000
Jackpot11:30 AM34141
Lucky12:30 PM37979
Queen01:30 PM13636
King03:30 PM06565
Star05:30 PM18282
Jackpot06:30 PM05151
Loto07:30 PM27171
Draw Number: 241- Draw Date: 13-12-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM31919
Jackpot11:30 AM09797
Lucky12:30 PM91212
Queen01:30 PM47171
King03:30 PM40303
Star05:30 PM33030
Jackpot06:30 PM86666
Loto07:30 PM53737
Draw Number: 241- Draw Date: 12-12-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM13030
Jackpot11:30 AM70606
Lucky12:30 PM52424
Queen01:30 PM65555
King03:30 PM66666
Star05:30 PM52727
Jackpot06:30 PM87373
Loto07:30 PM03535
Draw Number: 240- Draw Date: 11-12-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM82222
Jackpot11:30 AM18989
Lucky12:30 PM79494
Queen01:30 PM11414
King03:30 PM41010
Star05:30 PM87676
Jackpot06:30 PM425425
Loto07:30 PM57171
Draw Number: 240- Draw Date: 10-12-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM23737
Jackpot11:30 AM39595
Lucky12:30 PM73131
Queen01:30 PM76666
King03:30 PM44242
Star05:30 PM12020
Jackpot06:30 PM71818
Loto07:30 PM90909
Draw Number: 240- Draw Date: 09-12-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM62929
Jackpot11:30 AM56161
Lucky12:30 PM01212
Queen01:30 PM98080
King03:30 PM24141
Star05:30 PM01717
Jackpot06:30 PM97777
Loto07:30 PM40909
Draw Number: 240- Draw Date: 08-12-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM79393
Jackpot11:30 AM20909
Lucky12:30 PM25858
Queen01:30 PM40101
King03:30 PM62828
Star05:30 PM09999
Jackpot06:30 PM67373
Loto07:30 PM06565
Draw Number: 240- Draw Date: 07-12-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM38888
Jackpot11:30 AM05151
Lucky12:30 PM05555
Queen01:30 PM56262
King03:30 PM60909
Star05:30 PM27979
Jackpot06:30 PM99292
Loto07:30 PM14343
Draw Number: 240- Draw Date: 06-12-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM29292
Jackpot11:30 AM54747
Lucky12:30 PM88484
Queen01:30 PM92727
King03:30 PM49393
Star05:30 PM12222
Jackpot06:30 PM01313
Loto07:30 PM49191
Draw Number: 240- Draw Date: 05-12-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM68787
Jackpot11:30 AM80404
Lucky12:30 PM70303
Queen01:30 PM69191
King03:30 PM04242
Star05:30 PM28686
Jackpot06:30 PM40909
Loto07:30 PM66060
Draw Number: 239- Draw Date: 04-12-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM80000
Jackpot11:30 AM76969
Lucky12:30 PM35757
Queen01:30 PM72222
King03:30 PM63636
Star05:30 PM00707
Jackpot06:30 PM42020
Loto07:30 PM79494
Draw Number: 239- Draw Date: 03-12-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM16565
Jackpot11:30 AM55757
Lucky12:30 PM58282
Queen01:30 PM88888
King03:30 PM35151
Star05:30 PM78080
Jackpot06:30 PM74343
Loto07:30 PM15353
Draw Number: 239- Draw Date: 02-12-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM54949
Jackpot11:30 AM06565
Lucky12:30 PM99696
Queen01:30 PM21515
King03:30 PM08181
Star05:30 PM29999
Jackpot06:30 PM53636
Loto07:30 PM90909
Draw Number: 239- Draw Date: 01-12-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM25050
Jackpot11:30 AM42424
Lucky12:30 PM88080
Queen01:30 PM42121
King03:30 PM94949
Star05:30 PM23535
Jackpot06:30 PM41313
Loto07:30 PM91515
Draw Number: 239- Draw Date: 30-11-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM12222
Jackpot11:30 AM84040
Lucky12:30 PM89494
Queen01:30 PM54040
King03:30 PM78686
Star05:30 PM43838
Jackpot06:30 PM75454
Loto07:30 PM03737
Draw Number: 239- Draw Date: 29-11-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM48585
Jackpot11:30 AM46363
Lucky12:30 PM61919
Queen01:30 PM83333
King03:30 PM14747
Star05:30 PM72525
Jackpot06:30 PM11111
Loto07:30 PM08181
Draw Number: 239- Draw Date: 28-11-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM16161
Jackpot11:30 AM70303
Lucky12:30 PM13232
Queen01:30 PM30505
King03:30 PM56666
Star05:30 PM83131
Jackpot06:30 PM37676
Loto07:30 PM15454
Draw Number: 238- Draw Date: 27-11-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM68282
Jackpot11:30 AM23232
Lucky12:30 PM55555
Queen01:30 PM16363
King03:30 PM71919
Star05:30 PM67676
Jackpot06:30 PM79494
Loto07:30 PM66767
Draw Number: 238- Draw Date: 26-11-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM14646
Jackpot11:30 AM81717
Lucky12:30 PM92929
Queen01:30 PM43838
King03:30 PM92424
Star05:30 PM99595
Jackpot06:30 PM14242
Loto07:30 PM78585
Draw Number: 238- Draw Date: 25-11-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM74343
Jackpot11:30 AM33939
Lucky12:30 PM48181
Queen01:30 PM64949
King03:30 PM39898
Star05:30 PM43232
Jackpot06:30 PM30101
Loto07:30 PM55151
Draw Number: 238- Draw Date: 24-11-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM03131
Jackpot11:30 AM11818
Lucky12:30 PM58787
Queen01:30 PM93333
King03:30 PM76060
Star05:30 PM17171
Jackpot06:30 PM53838
Loto07:30 PM74545
Draw Number: 238- Draw Date: 23-11-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM15555
Jackpot11:30 AM76161
Lucky12:30 PM43939
Queen01:30 PM62525
King03:30 PM21717
Star05:30 PM13333
Jackpot06:30 PM05959
Loto07:30 PM46464
Draw Number: 238- Draw Date: 22-11-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM79393
Jackpot11:30 AM05454
Lucky12:30 PM51313
Queen01:30 PM19797
King03:30 PM13636
Star05:30 PM01818
Jackpot06:30 PM70303
Loto07:30 PM65151
Draw Number: 238- Draw Date: 21-11-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM81616
Jackpot11:30 AM76363
Lucky12:30 PM72727
Queen01:30 PM67878
King03:30 PM52222
Star05:30 PM78080
Jackpot06:30 PM92828
Loto07:30 PM00505
Draw Number: 237- Draw Date: 20-11-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM60101
Jackpot11:30 AM09999
Lucky12:30 PM42828
Queen01:30 PM51331
King03:30 PM08989
Star05:30 PM03636
Jackpot06:30 PM59494
Loto07:30 PM17474
Draw Number: 237- Draw Date: 19-11-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM02828
Jackpot11:30 AM43333
Lucky12:30 PM01111
Queen01:30 PM48585
King03:30 PM82020
Star05:30 PM64141
Jackpot06:30 PM88585
Loto07:30 PM03030
Draw Number: 237- Draw Date: 18-11-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM85050
Jackpot11:30 AM80707
Lucky12:30 PM97272
Queen01:30 PM23131
King03:30 PM29393
Star05:30 PM43030
Jackpot06:30 PM09797
Loto07:30 PM69999
Draw Number: 237- Draw Date: 17-11-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM73131
Jackpot11:30 AM30202
Lucky12:30 PM25151
Queen01:30 PM99999
King03:30 PM05555
Star05:30 PM07373
Jackpot06:30 PM70101
Loto07:30 PM56969
Draw Number: 237- Draw Date: 16-11-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM27171
Jackpot11:30 AM63939
Lucky12:30 PM61919
Queen01:30 PM81616
King03:30 PM17070
Star05:30 PM38787
Jackpot06:30 PM71818
Loto07:30 PM29797
Draw Number: 237- Draw Date: 15-11-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM78787
Jackpot11:30 AM83131
Lucky12:30 PM54848
Queen01:30 PM49393
King03:30 PM79999
Star05:30 PM91818
Jackpot06:30 PM12626
Loto07:30 PM68888
Draw Number: 237- Draw Date: 14-11-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM80303
Jackpot11:30 AM18787
Lucky12:30 PM25757
Queen01:30 PM97272
King03:30 PM01515
Star05:30 PM74949
Jackpot06:30 PM29191
Loto07:30 PM73030
Draw Number: 236- Draw Date: 13-11-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM59292
Jackpot11:30 AM25252
Lucky12:30 PM45353
Queen01:30 PM21717
King03:30 PM84646
Star05:30 PM08585
Jackpot06:30 PM00101
Loto07:30 PM20707
Draw Number: 236- Draw Date: 12-11-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM25555
Jackpot11:30 AM14646
Lucky12:30 PM19898
Queen01:30 PM49999
King03:30 PM40505
Star05:30 PM33333
Jackpot06:30 PM66868
Loto07:30 PM84848
Draw Number: 236- Draw Date: 11-11-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM32828
Jackpot11:30 AM69494
Lucky12:30 PM33030
Queen01:30 PM34545
King03:30 PM11919
Star05:30 PM90808
Jackpot06:30 PM58686
Loto07:30 PM29494
Draw Number: 236- Draw Date: 10-11-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM59999
Jackpot11:30 AM18282
Lucky12:30 PM14949
Queen01:30 PM68686
King03:30 PM09191
Star05:30 PM86161
Jackpot06:30 PM19595
Loto07:30 PM93030
Draw Number: 236- Draw Date: 09-11-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM12020
Jackpot11:30 AM57474
Lucky12:30 PM13737
Queen01:30 PM72626
King03:30 PM41212
Star05:30 PM49898
Jackpot06:30 PM26565
Loto07:30 PM61414
Draw Number: 236- Draw Date: 08-11-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM28585
Jackpot11:30 AM58989
Lucky12:30 PM26363
Queen01:30 PM31919
King03:30 PM28787
Star05:30 PM34141
Jackpot06:30 PM41212
Loto07:30 PM16262
Draw Number: 236- Draw Date: 07-11-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM51717
Jackpot11:30 AM34343
Lucky12:30 PM61515
Queen01:30 PM75858
King03:30 PM66161
Star05:30 PM89393
Jackpot06:30 PM80808
Loto07:30 PM59090
Draw Number: 235- Draw Date: 06-11-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM60808
Jackpot11:30 AM57272
Lucky12:30 PM10303
Queen01:30 PM69797
King03:30 PM06262
Star05:30 PM90000
Jackpot06:30 PM01717
Loto07:30 PM78181
Draw Number: 235- Draw Date: 05-11-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM07575
Jackpot11:30 AM16868
Lucky12:30 PM67474
Queen01:30 PM46363
King03:30 PM18181
Star05:30 PM42727
Jackpot06:30 PM64444
Loto07:30 PM92828
Draw Number: 235- Draw Date: 04-11-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM06161
Jackpot11:30 AM41818
Lucky12:30 PM80505
Queen01:30 PM11818
King03:30 PM52929
Star05:30 PM76262
Jackpot06:30 PM50505
Loto07:30 PM44242
Draw Number: 235- Draw Date: 03-11-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM17373
Jackpot11:30 AM26262
Lucky12:30 PM11616
Queen01:30 PM99696
King03:30 PM02828
Star05:30 PM00707
Jackpot06:30 PM45656
Loto07:30 PM11515
Draw Number: 235- Draw Date: 02-11-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM69090
Jackpot11:30 AM44747
Lucky12:30 PM51717
Queen01:30 PM85085
King03:30 PM38383
Star05:30 PM44646
Jackpot06:30 PM64949
Loto07:30 PM79191
Draw Number: 235- Draw Date: 01-11-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM16464
Jackpot11:30 AM54040
Lucky12:30 PM86161
Queen01:30 PM60707
King03:30 PM14545
Star05:30 PM59494
Jackpot06:30 PM75050
Loto07:30 PM19292
Draw Number: 235- Draw Date: 31-10-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM47979
Jackpot11:30 AM73636
Lucky12:30 PM69090
Queen01:30 PM75353
King03:30 PM90101
Star05:30 PM67777
Jackpot06:30 PM11515
Loto07:30 PM00808
Draw Number: 234- Draw Date: 30-10-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM66767
Jackpot11:30 AM05353
Lucky12:30 PM87979
Queen01:30 PM33737
King03:30 PM52020
Star05:30 PM67979
Jackpot06:30 PM50101
Loto07:30 PM75050
Draw Number: 234- Draw Date: 29-10-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM03636
Jackpot11:30 AM62828
Lucky12:30 PM03131
Queen01:30 PM20505
King03:30 PM13838
Star05:30 PM22121
Jackpot06:30 PM44747
Loto07:30 PM32626
Draw Number: 234- Draw Date: 28-10-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM14747
Jackpot11:30 AM48080
Lucky12:30 PM25050
Queen01:30 PM51313
King03:30 PM38888
Star05:30 PM34242
Jackpot06:30 PM76161
Loto07:30 PM43737
Draw Number: 234- Draw Date: 27-10-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM71313
Jackpot11:30 AM67777
Lucky12:30 PM51818
Queen01:30 PM67272
King03:30 PM44444
Star05:30 PM74040
Jackpot06:30 PM41414
Loto07:30 PM06666
Draw Number: 234- Draw Date: 26-10-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM88686
Jackpot11:30 AM34545
Lucky12:30 PM13232
Queen01:30 PM02020
King03:30 PM16363
Star05:30 PM71111
Jackpot06:30 PM36060
Loto07:30 PM21515
Draw Number: 234- Draw Date: 25-10-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM14848
Jackpot11:30 AM46969
Lucky12:30 PM77878
Queen01:30 PM63535
King03:30 PM46060
Star05:30 PM57373
Jackpot06:30 PM85353
Loto07:30 PM33232
Draw Number: 234- Draw Date: 24-10-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM49292
Jackpot11:30 AM20505
Lucky12:30 PM77373
Queen01:30 PM29999
King03:30 PM32424
Star05:30 PM49797
Jackpot06:30 PM18989
Loto07:30 PM34040
Draw Number: 233- Draw Date: 23-10-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM01919
Jackpot11:30 AM15757
Lucky12:30 PM59292
Queen01:30 PM94040
King03:30 PM32121
Star05:30 PM79292
Jackpot06:30 PM16767
Loto07:30 PM97676
Draw Number: 233- Draw Date: 22-10-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM01515
Jackpot11:30 AM27474
Lucky12:30 PM88181
Queen01:30 PM24646
King03:30 PM40404
Star05:30 PM94444
Jackpot06:30 PM90303
Loto07:30 PM26767
Draw Number: 233- Draw Date: 21-10-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM48484
Jackpot11:30 AM06363
Lucky12:30 PM48282
Queen01:30 PM85252
King03:30 PM50404
Star05:30 PM91717
Jackpot06:30 PM76969
Loto07:30 PM46464
Draw Number: 233- Draw Date: 20-10-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM60707
Jackpot11:30 AM10909
Lucky12:30 PM03030
Queen01:30 PM67474
King03:30 PM39595
Star05:30 PM09191
Jackpot06:30 PM81717
Loto07:30 PM89090
Draw Number: 233- Draw Date: 19-10-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM89090
Jackpot11:30 AM46161
Lucky12:30 PM80606
Queen01:30 PM41313
King03:30 PM63131
Star05:30 PM67878
Jackpot06:30 PM39999
Loto07:30 PM31919
Draw Number: 233- Draw Date: 18-10-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM33636
Jackpot11:30 AM09797
Lucky12:30 PM43131
Queen01:30 PM55959
King03:30 PM17070
Star05:30 PM70000
Jackpot06:30 PM53131
Loto07:30 PM27777
Draw Number: 233- Draw Date: 17-10-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM89393
Jackpot11:30 AM62929
Lucky12:30 PM50404
Queen01:30 PM54848
King03:30 PM78989
Star05:30 PM95151
Jackpot06:30 PM88383
Loto07:30 PM31212
Draw Number: 232- Draw Date: 16-10-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72424
Jackpot11:30 AM53434
Lucky12:30 PM32323
Queen01:30 PM88282
King03:30 PM33030
Star05:30 PM58484
Jackpot06:30 PM87777
Loto07:30 PM23535
Draw Number: 232- Draw Date: 15-10-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM20606
Jackpot11:30 AM23131
Lucky12:30 PM38888
Queen01:30 PM06969
King03:30 PM79393
Star05:30 PM37474
Jackpot06:30 PM59191
Loto07:30 PM84949
Draw Number: 232- Draw Date: 14-10-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM01313
Jackpot11:30 AM39595
Lucky12:30 PM00909
Queen01:30 PM94343
King03:30 PM82121
Star05:30 PM71111
Jackpot06:30 PM07272
Loto07:30 PM88888
Draw Number: 232- Draw Date: 13-10-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM21515
Jackpot11:30 AM44949
Lucky12:30 PM52121
Queen01:30 PM13535
King03:30 PM37272
Star05:30 PM04747
Jackpot06:30 PM22323
Loto07:30 PM91717
Draw Number: 232- Draw Date: 12-10-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM13737
Jackpot11:30 AM39292
Lucky12:30 PM08181
Queen01:30 PM50404
King03:30 PM79696
Star05:30 PM85050
Jackpot06:30 PM08989
Loto07:30 PM29595
Draw Number: 232- Draw Date: 11-10-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM74949
Jackpot11:30 AM08484
Lucky12:30 PM77878
Queen01:30 PM28080
King03:30 PM30505
Star05:30 PM27979
Jackpot06:30 PM19292
Loto07:30 PM58282
Draw Number: 232- Draw Date: 10-10-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM69292
Jackpot11:30 AM27676
Lucky12:30 PM53737
Queen01:30 PM29494
King03:30 PM63333
Star05:30 PM91212
Jackpot06:30 PM55555
Loto07:30 PM11414
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 09-10-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM87373
Jackpot11:30 AM28585
Lucky12:30 PM09595
Queen01:30 PM53636
King03:30 PM06161
Star05:30 PM94141
Jackpot06:30 PM93434
Loto07:30 PM61818
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 08-10-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM60707
Jackpot11:30 AM33030
Lucky12:30 PM84747
Queen01:30 PM68383
King03:30 PM30808
Star05:30 PM42424
Jackpot06:30 PM24747
Loto07:30 PM88686
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 07-10-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM53434
Jackpot11:30 AM07878
Lucky12:30 PM09494
Queen01:30 PM25252
King03:30 PM27171
Star05:30 PM05555
Jackpot06:30 PM80202
Loto07:30 PM44545
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 06-10-2022 (Tursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM93030
Jackpot11:30 AM38686
Lucky12:30 PM37373
Queen01:30 PM44444
King03:30 PM76262
Star05:30 PM72525
Jackpot06:30 PM28787
Loto07:30 PM82222
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 05-10-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM56565
Jackpot11:30 AM87979
Lucky12:30 PM97474
Queen01:30 PM49191
King03:30 PM53838
Star05:30 PM50000
Jackpot06:30 PM43131
Loto07:30 PM34848
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 05-10-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM80606
Jackpot11:30 AM44444
Lucky12:30 PM21818
Queen01:30 PM50505
King03:30 PM89797
Star05:30 PM27171
Jackpot06:30 PM38181
Loto07:30 PM18484
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 03-10-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM50202
Jackpot11:30 AM56868
Lucky12:30 PM66161
Queen01:30 PM12626
King03:30 PM48585
Star05:30 PM09090
Jackpot06:30 PM97777
Loto07:30 PM42121
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 01-10-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM88989
Jackpot11:30 AM47676
Lucky12:30 PM60909
Queen01:30 PM77474
King03:30 PM49090
Star05:30 PM98484
Jackpot06:30 PM36060
Loto07:30 PM29191
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 30-9-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM09494
Jackpot11:30 AM77979
Lucky12:30 PM58888
Queen01:30 PM78181
King03:30 PM20606
Star05:30 PM87272
Jackpot06:30 PM65050
Loto07:30 PM63636
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 29-9-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM42626
Jackpot11:30 AM03737
Lucky12:30 PM23535
Queen01:30 PM56767
King03:30 PM47171
Star05:30 PM49898
Jackpot06:30 PM12525
Loto07:30 PM58989
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 28-9-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM65050
Jackpot11:30 AM42323
Lucky12:30 PM76767
Queen01:30 PM62929
King03:30 PM22828
Star05:30 PM91616
Jackpot06:30 PM13131
Loto07:30 PM79696
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 27-9-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM02222
Jackpot11:30 AM40909
Lucky12:30 PM09595
Queen01:30 PM74949
King03:30 PM04646
Star05:30 PM77171
Jackpot06:30 PM73030
Loto07:30 PM06262
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 26-9-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM44343
Jackpot11:30 AM27070
Lucky12:30 PM71414
Queen01:30 PM96161
King03:30 PM67777
Star05:30 PM91515
Jackpot06:30 PM56767
Loto07:30 PM93939
Draw Number: 231- Draw Date: 25-9-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM20404
Jackpot11:30 AM57474
Lucky12:30 PM16060
Queen01:30 PM70606
King03:30 PM24040
Star05:30 PM39292
Jackpot06:30 PM12222
Loto07:30 PM06565
Draw Number: 230- Draw Date: 24-9-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM13737
Jackpot11:30 AM62020
Lucky12:30 PM61212
Queen01:30 PM32828
King03:30 PM15151
Star05:30 PM76565
Jackpot06:30 PM87878
Loto07:30 PM30707
Draw Number: 230- Draw Date: 23-9-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM70808
Jackpot11:30 AM21111
Lucky12:30 PM25858
Queen01:30 PM89090
King03:30 PM42525
Star05:30 PM57777
Jackpot06:30 PM62020
Loto07:30 PM53535
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 230- Draw Date: 22-9-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM16969
Jackpot11:30 AM10707
Lucky12:30 PM55050
Queen01:30 PM50707
King03:30 PM26666
Star05:30 PM87272
Jackpot06:30 PM53838
Loto07:30 PM94242
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 230- Draw Date: 21-9-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM23030
Jackpot11:30 AM50606
Lucky12:30 PM63333
Queen01:30 PM61818
King03:30 PM94040
Star05:30 PM08484
Jackpot06:30 PM89393
Loto07:30 PM39292
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 230- Draw Date: 20-9-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM01818
Jackpot11:30 AM58787
Lucky12:30 PM14545
Queen01:30 PM89494
King03:30 PM63939
Star05:30 PM33737
Jackpot06:30 PM20909
Loto07:30 PM67777
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 229- Draw Date: 12-9-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM78585
Jackpot11:30 AM90101
Lucky12:30 PM99494
Queen01:30 PM34040
King03:30 PM19292
Star05:30 PM33737
Jackpot06:30 PM56565
Loto07:30 PM69090
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 228- Draw Date: 11-9-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM90909
Jackpot11:30 AM66868
Lucky12:30 PM19898
Queen01:30 PM98787
King03:30 PM25454
Star05:30 PM73232
Jackpot06:30 PM75050
Loto07:30 PM62121
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 228- Draw Date: 10-9-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM73838
Jackpot11:30 AM68080
Lucky12:30 PM23333
Queen01:30 PM72525
King03:30 PM17979
Star05:30 PM65151
Jackpot06:30 PM26969
Loto07:30 PM93535
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 228- Draw Date: 09-9-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM68080
Jackpot11:30 AM30505
Lucky12:30 PM38484
Queen01:30 PM95555
King03:30 PM81212
Star05:30 PM99393
Jackpot06:30 PM53131
Loto07:30 PM15252
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 228- Draw Date: 08-9-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM36464
Jackpot11:30 AM46666
Lucky12:30 PM89292
Queen01:30 PM27979
King03:30 PM39090
Star05:30 PM67272
Jackpot06:30 PM77373
Loto07:30 PM10303
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 228- Draw Date: 07-9-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM00303
Jackpot11:30 AM74040
Lucky12:30 PM46363
Queen01:30 PM80808
King03:30 PM11515
Star05:30 PM08383
Jackpot06:30 PM10909
Loto07:30 PM53636
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 228- Draw Date: 06-9-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM46868
Jackpot11:30 AM30101
Lucky12:30 PM98888
Queen01:30 PM48181
King03:30 PM14343
Star05:30 PM55050
Jackpot06:30 PM74040
Loto07:30 PM75656
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 228- Draw Date: 05-9-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM40909
Jackpot11:30 AM18787
Lucky12:30 PM91616
Queen01:30 PM70303
King03:30 PM53030
Star05:30 PM61111
Jackpot06:30 PM38585
Loto07:30 PM33131
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 227 – Draw Date: 04-9-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM96666
Jackpot11:30 AM54848
Lucky12:30 PM64747
Queen01:30 PM51616
King03:30 PM19999
Star05:30 PM88181
Jackpot06:30 PM45858
Loto07:30 PM60404
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 227 – Draw Date: 03-9-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM37373
Jackpot11:30 AM61717
Lucky12:30 PM04343
Queen01:30 PM63232
King03:30 PM70404
Star05:30 PM19090
Jackpot06:30 PM91919
Loto07:30 PM77070
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 227 – Draw Date: 02-9-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM69494
Jackpot11:30 AM14040
Lucky12:30 PM11818
Queen01:30 PM41717
King03:30 PM63737
Star05:30 PM18585
Jackpot06:30 PM39898
Loto07:30 PM19595
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 227 – Draw Date: 01-9-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM80808
Jackpot11:30 AM53333
Lucky12:30 PM09595
Queen01:30 PM07373
King03:30 PM98686
Star05:30 PM56161
Jackpot06:30 PM11414
Loto07:30 PM74646
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 227 – Draw Date: 31-8-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM81313
Jackpot11:30 AM76060
Lucky12:30 PM62626
Queen01:30 PM41111
King03:30 PM70909
Star05:30 PM68888
Jackpot06:30 PM22121
Loto07:30 PM06464
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 227 – Draw Date: 30-8-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM66565
Jackpot11:30 AM28181
Lucky12:30 PM73232
Queen01:30 PM74949
King03:30 PM67171
Star05:30 PM80000
Jackpot06:30 PM72626
Loto07:30 PM05353
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 227 – Draw Date: 29-8-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM00707
Jackpot11:30 AM73838
Lucky12:30 PM99090
Queen01:30 PM42828
King03:30 PM60303
Star05:30 PM23030
Jackpot06:30 PM39494
Loto07:30 PM80606
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 226 – Draw Date: 28-8-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM40606
Jackpot11:30 AM38585
Lucky12:30 PM04949
Queen01:30 PM93737
King03:30 PM09595
Star05:30 PM84444
Jackpot06:30 PM37373
Loto07:30 PM64242
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 226 – Draw Date: 27-8-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM63838
Jackpot11:30 AM04343
Lucky12:30 PM34242
Queen01:30 PM57171
King03:30 PM75757
Star05:30 PM60202
Jackpot06:30 PM00707
Loto07:30 PM22323
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 226 – Draw Date: 26-8-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM40303
Jackpot11:30 AM51414
Lucky12:30 PM07474
Queen01:30 PM85151
King03:30 PM42929
Star05:30 PM11919
Jackpot06:30 PM62323
Loto07:30 PM06666
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 226 – Draw Date: 25-8-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM31717
Jackpot11:30 AM63939
Lucky12:30 PM86060
Queen01:30 PM49797
King03:30 PM17878
Star05:30 PM60909
Jackpot06:30 PM09696
Loto07:30 PM04949
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 226 – Draw Date: 24-8-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM96161
Jackpot11:30 AM21111
Lucky12:30 PM48585
Queen01:30 PM30000
King03:30 PM38484
Star05:30 PM12323
Jackpot06:30 PM13434
Loto07:30 PM49292
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 226 – Draw Date: 23-8-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM48787
Jackpot11:30 AM20202
Lucky12:30 PM30101
Queen01:30 PM28383
King03:30 PM01616
Star05:30 PM08484
Jackpot06:30 PM56464
Loto07:30 PM84343
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 226 – Draw Date: 22-8-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM11818
Jackpot11:30 AM73030
Lucky12:30 PM67777
Queen01:30 PM09292
King03:30 PM42121
Star05:30 PM31212
Jackpot06:30 PM09090
Loto07:30 PM63030
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 225 – Draw Date: 21-8-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM62020
Jackpot11:30 AM68383
Lucky12:30 PM14141
Queen01:30 PM48080
King03:30 PM16868
Star05:30 PM42929
Jackpot06:30 PM94848
Loto07:30 PM80909
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 225 – Draw Date: 20-8-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM24141
Jackpot11:30 AM68282
Lucky12:30 PM18080
Queen01:30 PM06161
King03:30 PM67575
Star05:30 PM88080
Jackpot06:30 PM22525
Loto07:30 PM37272
Draw Number: 225 – Draw Date: 19-8-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM16969
Jackpot11:30 AM14747
Lucky12:30 PM70606
Queen01:30 PM74444
King03:30 PM19191
Star05:30 PM27272
Jackpot06:30 PM91717
Loto07:30 PM65555
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 225 – Draw Date: 18-8-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM88686
Jackpot11:30 AM76464
Lucky12:30 PM78383
Queen01:30 PM66262
King03:30 PM90303
Star05:30 PM64141
Jackpot06:30 PM00404
Loto07:30 PM16565
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 225 – Draw Date: 17-8-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM82727
Jackpot11:30 AM05555
Lucky12:30 PM42424
Queen01:30 PM29494
King03:30 PM05858
Star05:30 PM39191
Jackpot06:30 PM47979
Loto07:30 PM80303
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 225 – Draw Date: 16-8-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM90202
Jackpot11:30 AM12828
Lucky12:30 PM69393
Queen01:30 PM19090
King03:30 PM41111
Star05:30 PM18383
Jackpot06:30 PM43737
Loto07:30 PM01414
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 224 – Draw Date: 14-8-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM68888
Jackpot11:30 AM83939
Lucky12:30 PM22222
Queen01:30 PM58181
King03:30 PM02626
Star05:30 PM33838
Jackpot06:30 PM72020
Loto07:30 PM32929
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 224 – Draw Date: 13-8-2022 (Saturday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM89494
Jackpot11:30 AM43131
Lucky12:30 PM84242
Queen01:30 PM61616
King03:30 PM87979
Star05:30 PM62222
Jackpot06:30 PM24343
Loto07:30 PM47373
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 224 – Draw Date: 12-8-2022 (Friday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM72828
Jackpot11:30 AM74040
Lucky12:30 PM39494
Queen01:30 PM56969
King03:30 PM97676
Star05:30 PM23131
Jackpot06:30 PM99393
Loto07:30 PM01111
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 224 – Draw Date: 11-8-2022 (Thursday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM23131
Jackpot11:30 AM52929
Lucky12:30 PM18181
Queen01:30 PM97777
King03:30 PM08383
Star05:30 PM34343
Jackpot06:30 PM83939
Loto07:30 PM05454
ഇന്നത്തെ കേരള ജാക്ക്പോട്ട്  നറുക്കെടുപ്പ് ഫലം
Draw Number: 224 – Draw Date: 10-8-2022 (Wednesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM98787
Jackpot11:30 AM37070
Lucky12:30 PM28383
Queen01:30 PM33232
King03:30 PM75858
Star05:30 PM72424
Jackpot06:30 PM12121
Loto07:30 PM47777
Draw Number: 224 – Draw Date: 9-8-2022 (Tuesday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM37575
Jackpot11:30 AM93636
Lucky12:30 PM91414
Queen01:30 PM17272
King03:30 PM25959
Star05:30 PM49696
Jackpot06:30 PM48989
Loto07:30 PM96565
Draw Number: 223 – Draw Date: 8-8-2022 (Monday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM04646
Jackpot11:30 AM44949
Lucky12:30 PM79090
Queen01:30 PM00707
King03:30 PM62121
Star05:30 PM11313
Jackpot06:30 PM82525
Loto07:30 PM19999
Draw Number: 223 – Draw Date: 7-8-2022 (Sunday)
NameTime1st Prize: 10,000/-2nd Prize: 1000/-
Lotto10:30 AM30909
Jackpot11:30 AM06060
Lucky12:30 PM27171
Queen01:30 PM66666
King03:30 PM29393
Star05:30 PM36161
Jackpot06:30 PM31111
Loto07:30 PM41313

Also, Check All State Lottery Results

Dear Lottery Sambad

Kolkata FF Fatafat

Dear Lottery Old Result

Manipur State Lottery

Play India Lottery

➶ Bhutan Teer Result

Jackpot Lottery Today Result

Jackpot lot is one of the 4th most popular lotteries in India, where the jackpot lottery was created in view of the popularity of the Nagaland state lottery, the lottery was first issued in the year 1817, whose purpose was only for the government’s work in town planning. The lottery committee was established so that it could help, yet only in 13 states of India, the lottery is recognized by the government and is played legally, lottery is banned in all other states, we will give you a list of those 13 states. And will also talk about the name of the lottery where the lottery is played legally.

All the information given by us here has been collected from other sources of the internet, this is not our personal opinion, for the information related to lottery, visit the official website of all the states.

Read related articles:

kl jackpot result today

All State Jackpot Lottery Result Name List and Details

1. Nagaland State Lotteries

In our first list comes the Nagaland lottery, which can be played only by the people of Nagaland state, which is recognized by the government in the state of Nagaland, where tickets are sold in the name of Dear Lottery, whose price per ticket is only 6 rupees. Because of this lottery ticket is very popular dear lottery sambad ticket is played arrow round in the day which is as follows 1st round lottery sambad 1 pm morning result, 2nd round dear lottery 06 pm day result and last ko third round is dhankesari Today Lottery Sambad 8 pm Night Result. Talking about its first prize, it is Rs 1 crore, for more information about it, you can click on the home page of this website or by clicking on this link Dear Lottery Sambad Result.

2. West Bengal State Lotteries

A few days before today, this state was very popular in the name of Dear Lottery and here every day was known as West Bengal Dear Lottery 4 pm, now it has been replaced by Nagaland but still here in the name of Kolkata ff betting. Matka game is becoming very popular if we talk about the ticket price, then it is Rs 10 and in this game, you get 9 times more money. Then click on the Kolkata Fatafat link.

3. Kerala State Lotteries

This is one of the most popular games played in Kerala State, this Kerala Jackpot game is issued only for the people of Kerala, this game is drawn every day between 3-4 live draws, and every day is different. This ticket is sold from Namo, whose names are as follows Win Win Lottery, Nirmal Lottery, Akshaya Lottery, Fifty Fifty, Sthree Sakthi, Karunya Lottery, Karunya Plus Lottery, etc. Talking about the price of this lottery, the ticket is Rs 30. And the price is above 10 lakhs.

4. Manipur State Lotteries

Here in the lottery for many years, only Manipur is known as Singam lottery and this lottery ticket is limited to Manipur state only this lottery ticket is sold 4 rounds daily first round at 12 o’clock in the day second round at 4 pm same third round at 7 pm and last round at 9 pm is issued on Manipur lottery official website by the way this Manipur You can check the lottery result from here.

5. Bhutan State Lotteries

In Bhutan State, people know this game as KANCHENJUNGA LOTTERY, which can be bought only by the people of Bhutan, but the first prize of this lottery ticket is 1000 thousand, which is much less than all the other lotteries, yet the people here are very big. Play it with passion, this lottery is issued daily by Bhutan State 3 times a day the first draw is at 11:55 am morning second draw at 4 pm in the day, and the third draw is at 8 pm. The price of this lottery ticket is also 5 rupees which are very less. this lottery is also organized by the government goes.

6. Assam Teer Results

People in Assam are very fond of arrows because this game has been played for many years and it is said to be one of the oldest games of Assam Teer, this game is played in many rounds. Very simple rules to playing this game. It is that you have to shoot arrows in the center from a certain distance, those whose arrows are hit, are also given a big reward, this game can be played even with 5 rupees, this game is also played under the supervision of the government.

7. Arunachal Pradesh State Lottery

Arunachal Pradesh is one of the most spoken states in India, it is the 24th state of India and it used to be a part of Assam state, this state is connected with another hill state,s and this state is also called the land of the rising sun. Now let’s talk about the lottery. People are very fond of the lottery here too. Here 3 times lottery is played here first at 10:55 am morning, second at 3 o’clock in the day, and third at 7 o’clock in the evening here people call this lottery the name of Singam Lottery. Also know that now talking about its first prize, it is 26.03 Lakhs / Rupees and the lottery can be found on the official website of Arunachal Pradesh.

8. Tripura State Lottery Results [date_month_year]

Tripura is one of the most beautiful states of India, this state is located in the northeast, people here call it the most fish like Bengal, and this state is known in the count of small states of India, due to being a small state, the population here It is also very less, people here also like to play the lottery, people know this ticket by the name of TRIPURA FORTUNE LOTTERY, if we talk about the first prize of this lottery, then it is 1 Crore, first the result of this lottery is available on the official website of Tripura. Used to be but now it is found daily from time to time live drawing on youtube.

9. Mizoram State Lottery Result [date_month_year]

As we have told, different lottery results have been made for all the states, the same is applicable in Mizoram state, this lottery can be played only by the people of this state, this ticket has been named Tiger Bengal and the method of the ticket is per The ticket is Rs.6, as in the result of the lottery sambad, before this, if we talk about the prize, then it is Rs.5 lakh, it is also done four rounds in the day first 9:55 am second 12 pm third 4 pm and last 8 pm.

10. Punjab State Lottery Result [date_month_year]

Like other states, there is a lot of lottery in Punjab too, people here also try their luck through the lottery, here there is complete freedom to play dear lottery organized by the government, this is a special thing of the state that it is very easy to buy lottery tickets here. Like buying vegetables from the market, here you will find agents selling lottery on the side of the road and the price of the lottery here ranges from Rs 50 to Rs 1000 and the reward amount is not less than 5 crores, so it once in a week or month is issued.

Lotteries are found here by many names, the list of which is given below.

  • Punjab state dear Sawan bumper 2022
  • Punjab state dear 500 monthly lottery
  • Punjab state dear 200 monthly lottery
  • Punjab lottery result today
  • Punjab lottery

11. Sikkim State Lottery Live Result

Sikkim State Lottery Result was played many years back and was issued by this state only at 11:55 am morning Recently the result was declared in the name of Sikkim Labhlakshmi and it was also used to draw live at 3 pm in the day but now it has been closed.

12. Goa State Rajshree Lottery Result

We all know that Goa is famous as a tourist place, people here know how to speak many languages. Like the rest of the states here, Goa is also famous for the Rajshri lottery, people here like to play this lottery very well. Talking about the price of the lottery, it is only 10 rupees per ticket, which is less for common people. Talking about the prize money, then its first prize money of 10000 rupees has been kept, this lottery is also organized by the government itself, this lottery weekly or sold monthly

13. Maharashtra State Lottery Result

Now let’s talk about Maharashtra Lottery, I want to tell the people of this place as soon as they speak the Marathi language and the capital here in Mumbai, which we know as Film City. There is also a lot of demand for lottery organized by the government here, weekly lottery is played here, which people here know as the Akshaya lottery, its first prize is Rs 70000 lakh.

About Information Jackpot Lottery Result

Jackpot Result | Kerala Lottery Result Charts

Post NameJackpot Result Today Winner List
Ticket NameKerala Jackpot Lottery
State NameKerala State
Official Websitekeralalotterytoday.com
1ST Prize10,000 Rs.
Result DateEveryday
Result Time10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM,
01:30 PM, 03:30 PM, 05:30 PM,
06:30 PM, 07:30 PM
Result StatusPublished/Coming Soon/ Out Now

Kerala Jackpot Lottery Name and Timing Details

Round No.kl jackpot Lottery NameTiming
1.Lotto10:30 AM
2.Jackpot11:30 AM
3.Lucky12:30 PM
4.Queen01:30 PM
5.King03:30 PM
6.Star05:30 PM
7.Jackpot06:30 PM
8.Lotto07:30 PM

jackpot in Lottery Prize List

Name Of RanksNo. Of Prizes
1st10,000 Rupees
2nd1,000 Rupees

This result has been found many times in Google search, whose list is below.

  • golden jackpot
  • lucky jackpot result today
  • jackpot kerala lottery
  • today jackpot results
  • jackpot lot
  • lucky jackpot result
  • jackpot lottery today

How to check lottery results

If you want to check the Kerala Jackpot lottery result, then check and follow all these steps carefully –

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the Kerala Jackpot Lottery. I. @keralalotterytoday.com.
  • Step 2: The Kerala Jackpot lottery result is displayed on this screen.
  • Step 3: Here, you can see the result and your status every day.


Dear lottery results. com helps you in many ways, here apart from Nagaland State, Bhutan Arrow, Play India, Manipur, Sunlot, and Kerala Lottery results will be available to see daily and we hope that you will like the information given by us. follow through media

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. how much is the jackpot on the lottery?

Ans: The prize of the Kerala Jackpot is of 2 types first 1000 rupees and the second 1000 rupees.

Q. Why Lotto Winners Are Public?

Ans: So that people feel that this lottery organization gives prizes so that people can play games by relying on their tickets.

Q. How to Play Mode Kerala Jackpot lottery?

Ans: You can play this game in 1 way, the first way you can play online.

Q. Where to buy kl lottery ticket?

Ans: You can buy a Kerala lottery ticket from your local market, for this, you have to meet an authorized distributor or you can meet a local agent.

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